Fighting an Addiction: 5 Steps

Remmy Kisaka
3 min readJul 4, 2022


Photo by lilartsy

Addiction can be perceived as a myth, right before one realizes they are unable to dig out themselves from the characteristic hole. Same with the people who say they know what they are doing and then end up doing the dumbest things, and I am talking about real life dumb things not just in the movies.

Addictions can take many forms, including, but not limited to, alcohol and drug abuse, sex pornography and masturbation, and social media.

The road to recovery is usually a bumpy one, requiring a great deal of mental fortitude to finally be free of the grip. I believe that taking the first step is usually the most difficult, and if you are reading this and considering taking the path, congratulations.

This means you’ve admitted you need help and are now taking the second step of actually seeking it.

There are five methods I’m going to discuss that will play a significant role in assisting an addict’s recovery.

Choose Friends Wisely

Your friends will always have a big influence on your life choices, and I’m sure you don’t need a rocket scientist to help you with this kind of math.

The people you surround yourself with will either be your net worth or will bring you to rock bottom.

Take your time finding the right people for you. It won’t take a day, but it will be worthwhile in the end.

Find a Reason to Quit

To begin with, any form of addiction has a significant negative impact on the health of its victims. The results may not be immediate, but it will begin to rain sooner or later. Finding a good reason to quit will provide you with a benchmark, which will serve as a reminder of why you must continue on the path you have chosen.

Find a Hobby

Go out there and make something of your life. Snorting, drinking or jerking off will not be recognized at the Olympics in a thousand lifetimes. Having a lot of free time at your disposal is often a major contributor to engaging in addictive behaviours.

Reward yourself

Every other time someone gets rewarded for a good deed. It’s prudent if once in a while, you pat yourself on the back for taking a big step in your life. Setting a target is important, once you get to reach the target you preferably buy yourself a gift. Such a small act of appreciation will go a long way to reminding you of how far you have come.

Manage stress

The main reason many people drown themselves in drugs or other addictive substances is stress.

The “high” feeling that makes one forget about their problems is what hooks one up. Initially, it will be a coping mechanism, but it will eventually become a habit, which is the addiction.

When you are stressed, talk to someone or seek professional help. The journey is best travelled with those who wish you well.

This article is written from the perspective of someone who’s battling an addiction and wants to make writing a hobby. I wish those on the same boat luck and hope we all get to win this battle.

