5 Steps to a Blogging Career

Remmy Kisaka
4 min readJul 8, 2022
Photo by Pixabay

There are quite a number of people out there who blog for fun while others work full-time as bloggers.

While it is simple to blog passively and earn a few extra bucks, becoming a full-time blogger isn’t a walk in the park.

As a fulltime blogger, one needs to blog and rely on it for a living. One therefore makes blogging a primary source of revenue.

Well, coming to think of it, blogging has the potential to be a lucrative source of revenue.

In order to become a fulltime blogger one has to constantly read books, blog posts, articles, and other materials in order to upgrade and acquire new skills and information just to keep up with the competition and advance to the next level.

To stay ahead of your competitors in this competitive content marketing industry, you must constantly seek out new ideas.

As full-time bloggers seek more information every day, they are constantly creating and publishing valuable content in a variety of formats (blog posts, podcast, videos, pdf, etc).

It is one thing to create content. The problem is getting it to be loved by the audience. Professional bloggers use a variety of content promotion channels. What makes them powerful is their ability to disseminate content and build a responsive community.

Bloggers who work on a full-time basis need to have links. Knowing and collaborating with other savvy bloggers keeps them in the flow and moving. The benefits of networking in blogging are numerous. We’re not going there right now. Let me just share some useful tips for becoming a full-time, successful blogger.

Be ready to learn

To be a successful full-time blogger, one must always work on improving themselves. There is a distinction to be made between a blog and a blogger. You can invest a few dollars and end up having a high quality blog in a matter of hours. However, the success of the blog is heavily dependent on the blogger behind it.

That is why you must equip yourself with the necessary skills to take your blog to the next level. As a well-trained blogger, you’ll discover that a large portion of your income isn’t directly related to your blog. For example, if you are hired to train or speak at an event, you will not be compensated as the owner of a powerful blog. You will be paid because they think you have the right skills.

Find an ever demanded niche

While considering a topic or niche, one should focus on something which is long term and not current season or events. As a full-time SEO blogger, I can now also create event-based blogs. However, the subject of my main blog is evergreen. Don’t base your blogging career on flimsy topics. For example, if you are a winter blogger, then you won’t have anything to talk about one the season passes.

There is an endless supply of evergreen blogging topics available. It doesn’t have to be difficult to think of one. You simply need to choose the right topic based on your interests and/or knowledge.

Create a website for your blog

There are a number of bloggers who depend solely on platforms like Medium to build their content writing profiles. Well, according to me I believe that is a big mistake because such platforms are owned by other business people who may change a lot of things without your permission one day.

You give up ownership of your content when you submit it to Medium. They choose how to insert links, where to place banners, and so on. Will you base your company on someone else’s?

Fortunately, it is now simple and quick to create and maintain a professional blog.

Choose the right way to monetize

As a blogger, you can earn money in a variety of ways. However, you should not try every method for making money that is advertised. Some income streams may be inefficient for you. For example, Google Adsense is a popular method in the industry, but it is not on my list.

We also have affiliate marketing, production creation, sponsored content, banner ads, paid events, and so on. However, you must be able to deal with these money-making methods effectively. You’ll waste resources and struggle as a full-time blogger if you don’t have an effective money-making strategy.

Be patient with yourself

In any industry, time is an unavoidable growth factor. You will not become a full-time successful blogger in your second year of blogging. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, you’ll need to give yourself time and work your way up.

Being a full-time blogger excites me tremendously. Every day is a new experience because of the freedom, money, connections, and so on.

